High Performance Camps


May 14th to May 23rd, 2024

This is for those athletes who are seeking the "Winning Formula". Once athletes are at a certain level, it becomes a matter of mental agility, a mindset that is bullet-proof.

This mindset is an uncanny ability to remain in the moment all the while slowing chaos down. These athletes have also perfected the timing of the window of relaxing and intensifying. This window changes in milliseconds, and can make the difference in a game saving moment. 

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About Travel Package

The H.E.A.T. High Performance Retreat is the way. Realizing the environment is everything, this is an opportunity to have an uninterrupted environment where the focus is purely on tremendously enhancing Performance. From partially guided meditation techniques, visualization methods, subliminal music, micronutrition meal plans and Chaos training etc. these athletes will be a different animal in 10 days. 

If you are that serious athlete, sign up now. We are booking only 20 for this retreat and won't have another one for months from now.



Cold Plunge

Eating from a Micronutritional Meal Plan

Plyometrix & Agility

Reaction Drills


Subliminal Subconscious Session


Day 1

Arrive in Cape Town, South Africa at the Vida Nova Retreat. This Charming boutique hotel offers a tranquil oasis with 360 views and delicious foods, where you can make yourself at home. Enjoying a gourmet dinner at our in house resturant, The Green Orchid.

Day 2

Start each day in the tranquil ambiance, indulging in meditation in the Vida Nova Retreat's exquisite garden, and embracing the invigoration practice of a daily cold plunge are all integral to aligning the body and mind for peak preformance. Please learn more below of a meticulously structured itinerary to propel participants towards their next level is truly praiseworthy.

Day 3

Embarking on a structured daily itinerary, athletes will immerse themselves in a transformative program aimed at elevating their athletic prowess. Under the guidance of esteemed expert Bruce Boyd, who possesses an unparalleled understanding of fostering a resilient mindset, participants will be introduced to the groundbreaking H.E.A.T. techniques. These cutting-edge strategies have been meticulously crafted to unlock their full potential and propel them towards unparalleled success in their athletic endeavors.

Day 4

Engaging in the practice of guided gratitude meditations, incorporating plyometrics to enhance explosiveness, and delving into the realm of chaos training are all integral components of this transformative journey. Moreover, athletes will also focus on improving their mobility through the incorporation of yoga waterworks and prehab exercises. These carefully curated activities aim to optimize athletic performance and reduce the risk of injury, ensuring participants are equipped with the necessary tools to excel in their chosen field.

Day 5

Countless opportunities await you in Cape Town and savor each moment to the fullest. Seamlessly integrate your intensive training sessions into your South African escapade, maximizing the impact of your experiences on both your physical and mental abilities. By harmoniously intertwining your explorations with your rigorous fitness routine, you create a powerful synergy that fosters personal growth and athletic prowess. Allow the magnetic allure of Cape Town to ignite your passion and drive as you .

Day 6

Indulge in a tranquil morning by indulging in some extra sleep, partake in a gentle stroll amidst the estate's surroundings, and consider embracing the invigorating cold plunge. Today's focus will be on rejuvenation and the practice of visualization techniques, culminating in a delightful evening of movie viewing and leisurely moments of free time.

Day 7

Start your day with a non-guided meditation and follow a rigorous itinerary to improve performance. Embrace introspective practices, engage in activities that stimulate growth, and reflect on insights gained. Visualize success and enjoy leisure time for rejuvenation. Merge Bruce's teachings with your own approach for self-discovery and optimal performance.

Day 8

As you continue your meditation practice, you will discover its profound benefits for your well-being. Alongside meditation, H.E.A.T techniques optimize physical, mental, and emotional well-being. H.E.A.T stands for Health, Energy, Alignment, and Technique. Prioritize self-care for health. Manage energy levels to prevent burnout. Align actions with values and purpose. Master skills and techniques for excellence. Incorporate H.E.A.T techniques into your routine for personal growth and performance enhancement. Embrace these practices consistently for transformation..

Day 9

Embrace the opportunity to maximize your potential and unleash the techniques learned during the camp. Dedicate yourself fully, push your boundaries.

Day 10

Experience Cape Town's culinary delights during lunchtime while incorporating your H.E.A.T techniques throughout the day. Find balance by indulging in dinner and South African entertainment in the evening.

Day 11

Return Home from your Cape Town journey with a stronger body and mind.

Available Additions

Safari at Vida Nova Kruger

South Africa’s legendary Kruger National Park has won a Tripadvisor award for being one of the Word’s Top 20 Best Nature Destinations in 2023!

Experience one of the best National Parks in Africa on Safari with our qualified and knowledgeable guides.

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